Out of the Blue (blog)

It was supposed to be either "Up in the Air" or "Out of the Blue". Guess which one was chosen for being more appropriate? ;P

Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday Sabow-ness

*Word of the moment: sabow - combination of sabaw (soupy) and sabog (uhrm... blown-up? exploded? -_-'), 2 terms commonly used to describe a state of feeling confused, tired and lost; this new word is credited to my funky blockmate Sab :)

Some sabow moments with my block, only on Fridays:

Sasha: Let's fly! I want to fly!

Sab: ...And then I saw this HUGE chocolate donut, and it was calling out to me!

Je: (listening to Sab) Yeah, in this seductive voice: "You know you want me..."

Franz: "Soaring..." (with accompanying dance steps of High School Musical...)

Anne: (BIG grin) Hence, on! Hence, on!

Impy: Think, think, how to draw a perfect circle...

Sasha: I need a hug! Hug me!

Sab: Grabe, I'm sooo... sabow! Eheste... sabaw... sabog... ah basta sabow! (*thus, a new word is born!)

Me: I haaate Botany! *sigh* -_-'

See? Nothing but a normal, sabow-y Friday for a bunch of Comm majors.


  • At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey i think the link's wrong. :p It's http://rl-829.livejournal.com

    HAHA IT seems like Botany's getting to you. Don't worry, I have Zoology and I'm have it worse. o.0

  • At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello. And Bye.

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