Time to panic?
As a lot of people know, I decided to take Botany as my Natsci for practical reasons, number one of which was I thought it was something I could pass, compared to the other sciences (*ehem,Physics and Chem*). This incident actually happened last Friday, but I guess it's as good as any to narrate in my dear blog because of its strangeness and relevance. Better late than never, right?
Where to start... back in high school, my life was an open book---LITERALLY, because every night, I would not stop studying unless I was sure that I could memorize my notes word for word (that's an insight of my geeky side), and coming to college, I resolved never to fall into that trap again. I've had too many memories of sleepless nights and eyebags, and they've been more than enough.
Along with this resolution, I, of course, will not be as grade conscious as before. I have to let go somewhat, because not studying as hard will lead to not-as-spectacular grades. Oh, well. For a while, I was doing fine. It felt good to not feel as pressured as before, and I could actually goof off during weekdays now (paint my nails, watch CSI, read romance novels...). For a while, everything was alright.
Last Wednesday, my Botany teacher told us to prepare for a quiz on Friday, about parts of a plant cell. Fine, then. I wanted to pass at least, so I did my job and did read up on the functions of the thingamajigs in a plant cell. Fair enough, right? Until he gave us a quiz of a blank plant cell, and told us to label the parts. Oh, woe is me. -_-'
My score was only a third of the total---a stellar 5/15. And I mean it when I said stellar! The highest was a 9/15. I knew I wasn't supposed to care as much (it's not so bad that only 1 of us passed), but for a brief moment, it was as if the remnants of my high school self decided to intrude upon me. And all I felt was, Crap and OMG. I got a 5/15.
Overreacting? Patapon? Panic time? I eventually did get over it, but apparently, there is still a trace of geekiness in me--- old habits really die hard. Maybe it'll just take a little practice...
Got another quiz tomorrow. And no, I cannot dictate my notes impromptu. I don't even know what the coverage is (after all, he never told us).
Overreacting? Patapon? Panic time? You decide! ;p
As a lot of people know, I decided to take Botany as my Natsci for practical reasons, number one of which was I thought it was something I could pass, compared to the other sciences (*ehem,Physics and Chem*). This incident actually happened last Friday, but I guess it's as good as any to narrate in my dear blog because of its strangeness and relevance. Better late than never, right?
Where to start... back in high school, my life was an open book---LITERALLY, because every night, I would not stop studying unless I was sure that I could memorize my notes word for word (that's an insight of my geeky side), and coming to college, I resolved never to fall into that trap again. I've had too many memories of sleepless nights and eyebags, and they've been more than enough.
Along with this resolution, I, of course, will not be as grade conscious as before. I have to let go somewhat, because not studying as hard will lead to not-as-spectacular grades. Oh, well. For a while, I was doing fine. It felt good to not feel as pressured as before, and I could actually goof off during weekdays now (paint my nails, watch CSI, read romance novels...). For a while, everything was alright.
Last Wednesday, my Botany teacher told us to prepare for a quiz on Friday, about parts of a plant cell. Fine, then. I wanted to pass at least, so I did my job and did read up on the functions of the thingamajigs in a plant cell. Fair enough, right? Until he gave us a quiz of a blank plant cell, and told us to label the parts. Oh, woe is me. -_-'
My score was only a third of the total---a stellar 5/15. And I mean it when I said stellar! The highest was a 9/15. I knew I wasn't supposed to care as much (it's not so bad that only 1 of us passed), but for a brief moment, it was as if the remnants of my high school self decided to intrude upon me. And all I felt was, Crap and OMG. I got a 5/15.
Overreacting? Patapon? Panic time? I eventually did get over it, but apparently, there is still a trace of geekiness in me--- old habits really die hard. Maybe it'll just take a little practice...
Got another quiz tomorrow. And no, I cannot dictate my notes impromptu. I don't even know what the coverage is (after all, he never told us).
Overreacting? Patapon? Panic time? You decide! ;p
At 10:26 PM,
krisha said…
**haynako**, i know what you mean!!! i got a pathetic score on a math quiz and i was all O.o omgoodness! but after a while, i realized that a low quiz doesn't mean the end of the world, low long exams do :D chill and enjoy the sights and sounds of ateneo before the terror years ahead. you deserve it!
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